Three years later on Berliner Kurfürstendamm. In the sequel of the successful mini-series Ku’damm 56, based on the idea and the script of Annette Hess, the Schöllack-sisters have grown up. Monika is having an illegitimate child, a fact her mother cannot accept. She then arranges for the child to grow up with her other daughter Helga and her husband, and to meet her biological mother Monika as an aunt. Moreover, the child is extremely useful in maintaining the image of a healthy family and hiding the secret homosexuality of Helga’s husband. The third sister, Eva, is not well either. She is stuck in an unhappy marriage with the much older and very jealous Professor Jürgen Fassbender. But little by little each of the three Schöllack sisters finds a way to change her situation for the better, towards self-empowerment and independence.
Trailer (German):